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Success Baby Meme Girlfriend Wants to Play Dnd

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Why VIA Runway'southward dominate feels 'getting his hands dirty' is important

In a recent interview, Yves Desjardins-Siciliano talks about why executives must 'earn their right to have an stance' and how 'a cultural shift requires resilience and positivism'

Lessons in Leadership: Reflections from Canadian CEOs

Yves Desjardins-Siciliano, president and chief executive of VIA Rail, has a unlike approach to leadership than many CEOs. Desjardins-Siciliano joined the arrangement in 2010 as its chief corporate and legal officer and corporate secretarial assistant before moving to the corner office in May, 2014. Before joining VIA, he had a successful career as a lawyer and executive. In a recent interview, Desjardins-Siciliano told Financial Post contributor Craig Dowden why executives must "earn their right to have an opinion" and how "a cultural shift requires resilience and positivism." Following is an edited version of that conversation.

Craig: Tin can you lot share a bit near your approach to leadership?

Yves: Since I first took a VIA Rail train after becoming CEO last summer, I accept been going on the PA organisation, introducing myself and announcing to the passengers that I am available to come past their seat and answer any questions or collect any comments they may have. Crew members often react with "are you nuts?" They are concerned that some passengers may exist hard, or that they may harass or insult me.

I always say, "If information technology happens, mayhap nosotros deserve it." It hasn't happened yet. In a few rare cases, I was confronted past unhappy passengers, just that gave me an opportunity to listen to their concerns.

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Craig: Why concern yourself with face-to-face customer service when you have a company to run?

Yves: They say 80 per cent of life is showing upwardly. I think information technology's the same for leadership. I has to earn the right to have an stance and to ready a direction and expectations with their troops. Leadership is non about authority as much every bit information technology is well-nigh credibility. Talking to passengers onboard, in stations or doing Q&As afterward every spoken communication is about showing our employees that I am sharing their load and, in some cases, their pain in dealing with difficult or embarrassing situations that happen in our business organization. Seeing their CEO go involved with their reality reinforces that what they do is important. I believe that is the message they go when they encounter the guy at the pinnacle not shying away from the tougher parts of the task.

If I encounter newspaper on the floor when I walk through a train or a station, I choice it upward. I do this for ii reasons. First, it's a matter of pride. I like to tell employees that these trains and stations are our home. It's where we welcome those we serve. Information technology's no different than welcoming friends at home. 2nd, information technology'south meant to reduce the unfortunate but real perception of distance and difference that often exists between management and front line workers. In a service business concern like VIA Rail, of grade there are occupational differences between positions, simply there can be no differences when information technology comes to commitment and intent in how we serve our communities, and in making our passengers feel welcome and well-treated. Information technology'southward a squad try.

Craig: Surely you have the power to ensure that the level of service VIA Runway provides meets your standards without literally getting your hands dirty.

Yves: I think the big misconception about being a primary executive is that yous can brand everything happen. In many ways, information technology is more like pushing a rope than pulling 1. Y'all are totally at the mercy of the good volition of the rest of the organisation and yous're only as good as the credence of your ideas.

Craig: Can y'all talk a bit about the challenges that come with bringing employees onboard with your vision?

Yves: The major challenge is helping them believe that things tin change for the better. To remind them of the twenty-four hour period they joined the visitor. The feeling of success they felt after getting the job. The excitement and energy they felt on that showtime workday when they were starting a career in a not bad visitor and had a sense of purpose. Ane has to rekindle those feelings if one is to successfully fight the tendency to resist modify, or worse, the skepticism and cynicism that comes with assertive null e'er changes for the better.

Craig: That sounds similar a hard civilization to change.

Yves: Yes, but it'due south understandable. VIA Rail is a Canadian icon, but the fact is fewer and fewer people take the train. So budgets have been cutting and lines have been cut and the workforce has been cut. I tell my employees they are entitled to be skeptical. All that I enquire of them is that they also hang on to some promise, that a cultural shift requires resilience and positivism. The alternative is letting that skepticism swallow them up from the within.‎ Skepticism and cynicism merely hurt the skeptics and cynics.

Craig: You've talked about existence a part of the solution. What are the toughest personal pieces you lot manage in this process?

Yves: I've been told people sometimes practice what I enquire because, as the head of the corporation, they fear me. Every time I hear that information technology's a stab in my eye. I recollect I'm very sociable, easy going and flexible. But for some reason I've e'er had that cross to bear. Mayhap because I am very direct, and don't sugar-glaze my opinions."

Craig: How do you work to overcome this perception?

Yves: Awareness, communication and humility. I am keenly aware of the issue. It forces me to always call back of ways to offset that perception. In the heat of argue, it also reminds me "not to burn down the bridge." That is, brand sure that whatever is decided and notwithstanding brutally honest my comments may exist, I likewise provide words and display concerns that assist offset whatever perceived harshness.

Humility reminds me that sometimes people mind considering of the position I speak from and non their belief in what I say. I often share with my teams a line I once read in the Harvard Business Review: "Beware the eloquent incompetent." I tell them they have to be careful with me because I can make strong arguments. But I besides tell them: y'all are the experts. If you think what I'k proverb is wrong, you have to allow me know. I believe it is seen every bit a sign of honesty and respect for other people's intelligence and feelings.

Lessons in Leadership: Reflections from Canadian CEOs is a biweekly characteristic by Craig Dowden showcasing insights from some of the land's most insightful business leaders. Dowden (Ph.D.) is the president and founder of Craig Dowden & Associates, a firm focused on supporting clients in achieving leadership and organization excellence past leveraging the science of peak functioning. Observe out more almost Craig by visiting , emailing him at or tweeting him @craigdowden .


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